2011…what a year

january— We celebrated Andre’s birthday—My blog got its very own domain name—I made my very first diaper cake—recorded my very first Vlog—we booked our hotel rooms for Rome—celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary—got some snow—cut my hair short!!!

february—i told you all 50 random things about me— I ran my 6th half marathon— we celebrated our first married Valentines—I reminisced about Paris

march—Andre guest posted—I wrote LOTS more about Pairs—Tillman did his first ever guest post-–celebrated my sweet daddy’s birthday—we went vegetarian for the entire month

april—celebrated our 9 month anniversary—planted our gardendyed Easter eggs—got my first Shellac manicure—grilled out—Andre caught us sleeping on the coach

may—my blog celebrated its 1 year blogiversary—my brother graduated from Clemson—got my first Bialetti moka pot—finally got our wedding album—Andre got invisalign

june—went to a Ashley and Colin’s wedding—had the best time at Salkehatchie—celebrated our almost 1 year anniversary—ate the first tomatoes of the season—got a new job

july—celebrated our 1 year anniversary in ROME—grilled out even more

august—I started my new job—found out that our little family is expanding!!!!  Best news of the year!

september—got a new blog designspilled the beans on the blog—more beans being spilled—went to a Clemson game

october—we decided not to find out baby’s scott’s gender—we went over to the dark side—we had the scare of our life—decided that baby Scott would enter the world au naturale—shared some baby pictures—our house got new carpet

november—I had my 25th birthday—celebrated my brother’s 23rd birthday—got new couches—made it to the halfway mark—hosted Thanksgiving for the 2nd time—took our Christmas card pictures

december—found our perfect Christmas tree—baby Scott reached viability—decorated from Christmas—made chocolate bark—had an outstanding Christmas

2011 has been a great year filled with changes, growth, and happiness…as you can see!!!
I have a feeling that 2012 might just be better though!
I cant wait to see what it has in store of us…I think the best is yet to come!

The BABY…26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks and 1 day…HOLY MOLY only 97 days left…we are down to the double digits!!!
Size of the “THE BABY”? about 2lbs and about 14 inches long!!!  The size of an eggplant…and speaking of eggplant…meet Elliot the Eggplant and Clarence the Chicken.  They were made especially for Baby Scott by yours truly and Aunt Nika this past week using Wild Olive’s pattern!

Maternity Clothes? of course…have you seen my belly!?!  I have been having so much fun wearing all of my new clothes that I got for Christmas.  I got some super soft and comfortable shirts from A Pea in the Pod…I really LOVE them!!!!

Weight Gain? probably still about 22 pounds now…I have a doctors appointment this morning so I will update this after the appointment
Stretch Marks? none so far…still drinking LOTS of water to keep my skin moist
Gender? i’m still thinking a little boy and Andre thinks girl….so at least one of us is right!!!  I have had 2 dreams in the last week that baby Scott was a little girl with a head full of hair though 🙂
Movement? Our little buddy is a mover…I can feel movement all through out the day.  I just LOVE it!!!  I have actually noticed that you can see the kicks from the outside now…my stomach will jump around when our little buddy is doing its gymnastic routine
Sleep? ok…I still need to get a pregnancy pillow.  Hopefully my mom and I will go today to get one.  I have started having pretty weird dreams too!
Food Cravings? I ate some honey baked ham for Christmas and it was AMAZING!!!  I am usually not a  ham or pork eater, but the littlest buddy has changed that
What I Miss? being able to breathe when I put on my shoes 🙂
Symptoms? definitely a bigger belly and my belly button is GONE (at least it wont stick out though)
Best Moment of the Week? spending our last Christmas with just us…it was a pretty spectacular one too.  We also have gotten some baby stuff for the nursery…its starting to come together!!!

10 little Scott things…V.10

1.  We had a great Christmas.  I did not take pictures…which I am a little disappointed about, but I did soak it all in.  We went to my parents on Christmas Eve and stayed through Christmas day.  We came back to home later Christmas afternoon. I did manage to get some pictures of the Christmas cookies that I made…

2. We both got some really great gifts this year…I thought that since I was in the listing mood today that I would recap our loot that way 🙂

3. Andre
Fender guitar

NorthFace coat

Arsenal jersey

and lots of clothes

4. Me 🙂
lots of really cute clothes…

an Ana Karolina bracelet

some books…The Wonanly Art of Breast-feeding, Plate to Pixel, Barefoot Contessa “How Easy is That?”, and Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
a kurig and mukka cappachino maker

a new blender

5. Baby Scott…he or she really loaded up this Christmas
a crib and mattress

a glider

jogging stroller


car seats…infant and convertible


pack and play

some really cute little toys

6. The pups
treats, treats, and more treats
squeaky balls
nyla bones
and Till got a new collar

7. One of my really good friends came to visit us earlier this week.  Nika and I always have such a great time!!!  We went to the tea place in Florence and made LOTS of great food!!!

8. Andre is wrapping up with his Christmas tournaments this week.  I will be glad when the games go back to twice a week so they will be a little more manageable…this pregnant girl can’t stay out that late anymore 🙂

9. Speaking of being pregnant…I have my gluecose test tomorrow!!!!  I REALLY REALLY hope that  I pass…I would hate for all of these yummy Sour Patch kids to go to waste 🙂

10. Last but definitely not least…its my MOM’s birthday today!!!!!!  Happy birthday Mama…we LOVE you so very much!!!!

THE BABY…week 25

How far along? 25 weeks…105 days left
Size of the “THE BABY”? almost 2lbs and about 14 inches long!!!  Baby Scott is starting to grow some fat!!!
Maternity Clothes? of course…have you seen my belly!?!
Weight Gain? probably about 22 pounds now…I am eating really healthy and walking 2 miles everyday, but the weight seems to still be coming 😉
Stretch Marks? none so far…I really hope that I dont get any, but only time will tell…I can tell my skin is starting to get a little tight but hopefully the 12 cups of water I drink everyday will help keep my skin elastic and moist.
Gender? i’m still thinking a little boy and Andre thinks girl….so at least one of us is right!!!
Movement? Our little buddy is a mover…I can feel movement all through out the day.  I just LOVE it!!!  I think he/she got a case of the hiccups this week too 🙂
Sleep? pretty good…still getting up during the night to pee…I think that I need to invest in a pregnancy body pillow…maybe I will get one after Christmas!!!
Food Cravings? I have fallen off the club sandwich wagon…still LOVE them but I haven’t had time this week to fix them at lunch, plus I have been eating quiche Loraine for lunch (not a bad trade off)
What I Miss? nothing really…being able to bend down and not be short of breath :)…I know it is only going to get worse though!!
Symptoms? bigger belly and my belly button is almost gone…since i have started walking everyday my back has quit hurting!!!!!! 
Best Moment of the Week? that my back has quit hurting completely and it is CHRISTMAS week!!!!!

just thank me later for these pictures 😉
this maybe the last time I post bare belly pictures…

told you that the belly button is almost gone!!!!

Posting is going to be a little sparse around these parts over the next couple of days…
we are just trying to soak in everything 
since this is our last Christmas just Andre and me!!!

Christmas Traditions…

I am such a traditionalist when it comes to holiday traditions.  I just love participating and having lots of holiday traditions.  I have a few ideas that I want to start once Baby Scott is here as well. 

{These pictures are all from last Christmas and really don’t have much to do with the post beside the common theme of Christmas}

Christmas eve: We always go visit our “adopted family” on Christmas eve.  They are not our real family, but who is to judge what is real and what isn’t J We catch up and give all of the children gifts.  I love going to visit with them because I do not get to see many of them during the year now that I don’t live in Chester.  Then we go to candlelight service at the church.  I have always loved this service…it is so magical, plus we get  to sing all of my favorite Christmas songs!!!  (and we get to light candles…my brother and I LOVED that growing up…we would always try to drip wax on each other…what you did that too!?!)  After the service we always ride around to look at Christmas lights as a family.  There are a few neighborhoods in Chester that are really serious when it comes to putting up Christmas lights!!!  There is even one house that Santa sits outside and waves to all of the children riding by!!!

Santa: My brother and I have ALWAYS woken up in the middle of the night to see what Santa has left for us. (we still do this…I am planning on dragging my 6month pregnant self down the stairs this year, too)  We usually wake up around 4-5AM…we sneak downstairs and wake up our parents.  After sleepy looking at all of our goodies we head back to bed until breakfast. 

Christmas day:  We wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs by my dad.  He cooks the best Christmas breakfast!!!  We eat and then it is present time!!!  We all gather around the Christmas tree and open our presents one by one…my mom ALWAYS makes sure that my brother, me, and now Andre have the same number of presents (she said it would have been a problem when we were younger if one had more than the other)

Future traditions

Christmas pajamas: My brother and I always opened one present on Christmas eve while we were growing up.  I love the idea of being able to open just one present on Christmas eve.  I want to incorporate this tradition into our future traditions but tweak it just a little.  I would want this one present to be Christmas pajamas that would be worn to bed on Christmas eve and worn on Christmas morning when gifts are opened.  I think little children are so cute in Christmas pajamas!!!

I want to buy or make a new ornament every year when Baby Scott gets here.  I think that it will be so cool to be able to look back at the ornaments that represent their Christmases.  

10 little Scott things…V.9

1. I can not believe that it is Christmas time…all of our festivities start on Christmas Eve.  I cant wait to give all of the gifts that I have picked out and see everyones faces after they open them.  I really think that is the best part!!!  Seeing all of my family is going to be pretty great as well!  NOw Friday hurry up 🙂

2. I am making chocolate bark this week as well.  I made like 4-5 different kinds last year,

 but this year I’m sticking with 2 of my favorites…

bittersweet chocolate+coconut+macadamia nut+dried mango+crystalized ginger

semi sweet chocolate+ smoked almonds+ dried figs+french sea salt
 and then pack them up into pretty containers
if you want to make your own bark follow these instructions

step 1: line pan with foil
step 2: pick out your favorite ingredientsChocolate: need 1 pound (bittersweet chocolate, semisweet chocolate, white chocolate, or half bittersweet and half white (for swirled))Crunchy toppings: 1/2 cup chopped (almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, and or pine nuts)chewy toppings:  1/2 cup chopped (dried figs, dried apricots, dried cherries, dried cranberries, dried mangos, raisins, mini marshmallows, candied orange peel, crystallized gingerspices: totally optional (red pepper flakes, flaky sea salt, crushed cardamon seeds, toasted fennel seeds, crushed pink peppercorns, hazelnuts, peppermints, toffee, nut brittle, toasted coconut flakes, peanut butter chips, banana chips.
step 3melt the chocolate*make sure all of your tools are dry. chop the chocolate into 1/2 in pieces with a knife. place all but 1 cup of chopped chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.  (for swirled bark, put all but 1/2 cup of each chocolate in 2 separate bowls)*microwave 30 seconds, then stir with rubber spatula.  continue microwaving and stirring at 30 second intervals until melted, 3-5 min total.  (for swirled barks, microwave each chocolate seperately for 15 second intervals)*immediately add the reserved chopped chocolate to the bowl or bowls; stir until melted and shiny.  don’t worry if there are a small unmelted pieces
step 4spread it outpour the chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet; using the rubber spatula to spread about 1/4 inch thick(for swirled bark, pour the 2 chocolates side by side on the baking sheet; use the spatula to swirl them together)
step 5add your toppingspress your crunchy and chewy toppings into the chocolate, arranging them so each bite has a mix of flavors and textures.  Sprinkle with spices, if using.  Let the bark harden completely to room temperature, about 1 hour.  
Break into pieces and store in an airtight container at room temp. for 1 to 2 weeks!

3. Andre’s team hit a bump in the road this past week and lost 2 games in a row.  Their record is 5-2 now.  They are playing in a tournament all this week so hopefully they will secure a few more wins!!!  

4. I am one of those weird pregnant people that doesn’t like for people to touch my stomach.  Maybe you are/were the same way…  I never realized how many people think that it is completely acceptable to just reach their hand out to touch me…they might just pull back a numb one of these days…

People that I know, like my parents, close friends, and of course my husband, are not part of the group of people that would pull back a numb if they touched me 🙂
5. I have downloaded a few literary classics on my kindle and plan to reread them during the holiday break…like The Catcher and the Rye, Little Women, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre…I figured I would probably get so much more out of them now than when I read them in high school!  Plus all the classics are free to download on the Kindle.
6. We finally made it to the movies this past weekend.  It has been months since we have gone which is unusual for us.  We saw Hugo in 3D and it was great.  It was set in Paris which made it even better.  Great story and worth seeing in 3D in my opinion!!!!  Now I cant wait for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Hunger Games to come out!!!  Those two are must sees for me!

7. Sweet holiday pups…they have been SO helpful wrapping presents this year.  😉

8. I am on the last season of Friday Night Lights.  I can not believe that I am almost done with the series.  I do not want it to end…I may even shed a tear when I watch the finale.  This TV show has turned out to be one of my favorites of all time!

9. Have you ever poked a bunch of cloves into oranges…if not, then you probably should

You will thank me later! My whole house smells amazing now!

10.  I will leave with a few more holiday pictures from around the house…

Christmas card display
one of my favorite ornaments

favorite ornaments from when I was a little one…my mom gave them to me this year!!!

The BABY…24 weeks!

I have reached the week of viability!!!  YAY for 6 months!

My bump is definitely getting bigger!!!

How far along? 24 weeks and 1 day…111 days left
Size of the “THE BABY”? about 1.5 lbs…and about 11.5 inches long…almost a foot long!!!
Maternity Clothes? of course…maternity pant panels are a God sent!!!  I don’t know how I would live without them now!
Weight Gain? probably about 20 pounds now…I am eating really healthy so that is all that matters!
Stretch Marks? none so far…I really hope that I dont get any, but only time will tell
Gender? i’m still thinking a little boy
Movement? Our little buddy is a mover…I can feel movement all through out the day.  I just LOVE it!!!
Sleep? pretty good…still getting up during the night to pee…I think that I need to invest in a pregnancy body pillow really soon!!!
Food Cravings? club sandwiches…still!!!!  That makes 3 weeks that I have eaten them for lunch… everyday 🙂
What I Miss? nothing really…maybe having unlimited energy and being able to run!
Symptoms? bigger belly and my belly button is almost gone…and my sciatic nerve starting hurting on Sunday, but had subsided as of yesterday.  Hopefully it will not have a flare up for a while!  
Best Moment of the Week? when Andre felt our littlest buddy for the first time!!!  It was such a special moment!

Tillman and Tucker’s Wish List

Hi everyone
its been a while since my mom let me write one of these post things
but I begged and begged and she finally caved
(I actually only had to give her my sad eyes and she was sold)
**I still cant believe I’m posting this picture of me…(hangs head in shame)
(boy are they in trouble when our brother or sister comes along…can was say spoiled)
(that small human might be able to get away with things we even cant…like digging holes, tearing up paper, and peeing in the house)
(that last point is just crazy….peeing in the house…that is so 5 years ago)
ok now back to why I am here today…
Tucker and I have been GREAT this year and we deserve lots of things from Santa, our parents, and grandparents
I mean how could you resist these faces

first and foremost we want some of these delicious treats
Stewarts are the best…and my mom even said that they are good for us
(we could probably eat an entire bag if she wasn’t looking)
then I need a new collar
mom said my smells funny but I think it smells great, but I guess mom makes the rules
so if I have to get another one then it must be leather
no fabric on for me…I’m too tough for that fabric crap
my brother said that he wanted another super loud squeak ball
(I say he doesn’t need that crap…its too loud and obnoxious)
and last but not least nylabones
Pretty good list if I have to say so myself…
I am going to be extra good for these nest few weeks so I will get lots of goodies
Until next time
Woof out!

It’s starting to look like Christmas…

We have gotten all of our decorations up …
we only did one tree this year since I am growing a human inside of me and that makes me a little tired…
plus helping Andre get things out of the attic becomes more and more difficult with each passing day.
Maybe next year we will have our regular 2 trees and maybe even a 3rd one for Baby Scott’s room.
But here are our decorations for Christmas 2011…
the outside

our tree is massive this year, but I think it is the prettiest shaped tree we have ever had
9.5 feet of pure beauty 
the mantle…inspired my Aly last year 🙂

I just love coming home in the evening and turning all the lights on and just sitting on the couch.  This time of year is the best!!!

10 little Scott things…V. 8

1. I have completed my Christmas shopping!!!  I am so happy that I can relax and enjoy these last 2 weeks before Christmas.  I really want to enjoy this holiday season because this will be our last one with just Andre and me.  I know future Christmases will be totally different…great but different.  I just hope that Santa still visits me even after baby Scott is here 🙂

2.  I made lemon rosemary and lemon mint sugar scrub this weekend.  I think it is an easy gift idea that is sure to please.  I even made a little extra so I can keep some for myself 🙂

all you do is add 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of olive oil (or some other neutral oil), 1 tablespoon lemon zest, and 1 tablespoon of either chopped rosemary or chopped mint

mix together in a bowl and add to a decorative container

3. I finally ordered our Christmas cards…I guess better late than never.  I ordered them from Shutterfly again this year.  Take a look…

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

Hopefully everyone will get them by New Years!!!!

4. I reach a BIG milestone in my pregnancy this week…it is viability week!!!  With that being said I hope that Baby Scott is comfortable in my belly and will stay put for at least 11 more weeks!!!!!  He or she has lots more growing to do!

5. I think I have decided on a diaper bag thanks to all of your suggestions.  I love the Timi and Leslie bags.  The Hannah and Charlie are my favorite.  I am not going to order one yet…I am going to give it a little more time to make sure those are the ones I REALLY like!!!

6. Wilson basketball has started off the year really well.  Their record is 4-0 and they have 3 games this week.  Hopefully their record will be great after this week as well!!!

7. Andre finally felt the baby move last night.  We have been trying to get the baby to kick or move when he had his hand on my stomach for a while and last night was finally the night!!  I was so excited and I think he was too!!!

8. I have picked out my outfit for Christmas eve church service.  I just need to find some maternity tights.  I have never even seen a pair but I know that they exist.  I hope that I can a find a pair that is not too tight on my stomach.  I  think that I am going to be one good looking pregnant girl this Christmas 🙂

9. We finally watched “The Help”.  I enjoyed it, but of course it wasn’t as good as the book.  No movie ever is…except maybe “The Green Mile”.  I can’t wait for 2 of my other favorite books to come to film…The Hunger Game and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I hope that we can go see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo over Christmas break…we have not been to the movies in forever!!!

10. I have been asked to share our engagement story and our love story.  I have not shared either one before…maybe I will start writing them soon and share them with you all.  How would you like that!?!